Content and Likeness Use Agreement
We love your post and know others will benefit from seeing it on our website, social media channels, and in our marketing materials. As you consider allowing us to publish your post, we want to make sure you know exactly how we intend to use it.
By uploading your photo to or replying to our Instagram and/or Twitter post with #manoswineagree or #agree, you:
1) affirm that you are 21 years of age or older and are otherwise able to agree to these terms;
2) own the avatar, text, profile, likeness, voice, name, biographical and personal information, film, images, videos and any other items contained in the post (the "Content") and there are no other persons or entities with ownership claims over the Content;
3) grant Mano's Inc, its affiliates, subsidiaries, successors and assigns a non-exclusive, royalty-free and non-revocable commercial right to reproduce the Content in any form (including, but not limited to, video, internet, reproduction, display, email, publication, broadcast and distribution), either through our own services or services provided by third parties, throughout the world in any medium now known or later developed and without restriction or limitation;
4) agree that your Content may be used by Mano's Inc, its affiliates, subsidiaries, successors, or assigns to create derivative works either alone or in conjunction with sketches, cartoons, captions, films, art work, textural matter or other photographs;
and 5) agree that you will receive no monetary compensation for the Content. While Mano's Inc will make commercially reasonable efforts to give you credit for your content and provide a link back to your Instagram account, you agree that such credit is not mandatory and your permission for us to use your Content is not contingent upon such credit being given. You waive any right to inspect and/or approve the finished work incorporating the Content or the advertising copy that may be used in connection therewith or the use of which said finished work may be applied. Further, you waive any claims to royalties, compensation or other remuneration with regards to your Content or our finished work.
You also agree to be bound by the terms of Mano's Inc. Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions found here: and here: You hereby represent and warrant that all statements made by you in this Agreement are true, accurate and complete and that Mano's Inc. or its affiliates’, subsidiaries’, successors’ or assigns’ use of the Content will not violate any laws or rights of any other person or entity, including but not limited to any rights of privacy or publicity. You hereby indemnify Mano's Inc. and its affiliates, subsidiaries, successors and assigns from and against any claim or loss arising out of your representations made herein. Lastly, you agree that if any provision, or any portion of any provision, contained herein is determined to be invalid under any statute or rule of law, then it shall, to that extent alone, be deemed omitted, and the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. This Content and Likeness Use Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. If you don't agree to these terms, we completely understand and no further action is required. We are thrilled to see Mano's Wine as a part of your page and look forward to seeing any new content you post as well. Thanks again and please email us at if you have any questions.
Photo Guidelines for Manual Upload
-Images must be in BMP, PNG, GIF or JPEG format.
-File size must be 5 MB or less.
-Image must be at least 60 pixels tall.
-Image must be at least 60 pixels wide.
-If you are not the copyright holder, you may not submit copyrighted images.
-Objectionable images will be rejected.
-Uploaded images become the property of Mano's Wine
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You must be 21 to enter
Please confirm your age.